Rev. John F. Long, Jr.
Chaplain's Corner
I have added a lot of links to websites and documents that you may find interesting. Everything on this page is for your benefit. Please look it over, and if you need more that what you find call me. My cell phone is always with me and I am available to listen to you. God Bless
Rev. John F. Long, Jr.
443-623-0753 Cell
A Guide for Family Members of Volunteer Firefighters
Addiction Treatment and Resources
Bereavement Uniform Program from Lighthouse Uniforms
Bringing Back the Brotherhood
Employee Assistance Program Username: AAC
FACES of CHANGE "Do I have a problem with alcohol or drugs?"
1st Tix - Tickets for 1st Resonders
Firefighter Behavior Health Alliance
Firefighter Wife
Fire Life
First Responder Assistance Program
Homeless Shelters
A directory of homeless shelters in all 50 states. We all know housing is simply
the #1 issue for the ones who are low-income seniors, single mothers, veterans,
disabled and unemployed.
Share the Load A support program for firefighters and EMTs
Wills for Heroes
A free program for the volunteer fire and emergency services by the MSFA.
No one should be serving without a Will!
Maryland State Death Benefits
Responder Life
Last Call on Earth First Call in Heaven
Psalm 91
Deployed Military Members
Mental Health Issues (Suicide, CISM, PTSD, etc.)
National Fatherhood Initiative
Why is the wedding band worn on the 4th finger?
The Truth Project
Do you need a spiritual checkup? (Left click mouse to advance slides)
Saint Florian
Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child
SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Responders References
What Should I Say Emotional Impact on First Responders
Station House "Recovery Where All Your Peers Are First Responders
The Stress Tetrahedron: A New Way To Visualize First Responder Stress
Suicide Prevntion
Why is There Suicide in the Fire Service?
Survivors of Suicide
Suicide: A View From the Nozzle End of the Problem
When Serving Becomes Surviving: PTSD & Suicide in the Fire Service
Wall Builders Presenting America's forgotten history and heros with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage.
Women of Faith
National Sexual Assault Hotline (800)-656-4673
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Hope for Healing
Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
International Association of Fire Chiefs - Volunteer/Combination Officers Section Yellow Ribbon Report
International Association of Fire Chiefs - Volunteer/Combination Officers Section Yellow Ribbon Report 2021 Update
Elder Care and End of Life Support
State Anatomy Board - Body Donations
Free Medical Power of Attorney Maryland Form
Faith Community Links
National Day of Prayer Devotional Resources
Bibles Net Our Daily Bread
Interfaith Calendar The Upper Room
Adherents Daily Guidepost
Beliefnet Our Daily Journey
American Bibles Society Bible Notes
Bible Gateway World Wide Study Bible
Are you ready to leave?
We do not know when our time here on earth will be over and our Father God calls us home. Saying that, are your papers in order so that your family can transition to life after you? Make sure your paperwork with the fire company is up to date. Have a will drawn or updated as needed. Store your documents (insurance, will, etc.) where your family can get them.
Finally get your self straight with God if you haven't already.
Army Strongbonds National Center for Telehealth & Technology
Military One Source Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors